The Diocese is presided by the Diocesan Bishop Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos. The Diocesan Assembly is the representative body of the churches within the Diocese. In order to execute the decisions of the Diocesan Assembly, a Diocesan Council functions. Currently, Rev. George Abraham serves as the Diocesan Secretary and Mr. George P Babu serves as the Diocesan Treasurer . The Office Bearers mentioned above constitute the Diocesan Council Executive Committee.
In the report year, we had 66 Parishes and 11 Congregations in seven Regions. The participation and contribution of all parishes and congregations towards the growth of the Diocese is commendable. As per the numbers provided, we have 8,469 families in the Diocese.
There are 59 active, 1 student, and 11 retired Clergy serving in the Diocese. Rev. Prince Varghese is pursuing his studies at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Youth Chaplaincy is an important ministry of the Diocese aimed at the spiritual nurturing and empowerment of the youth and young families by relating to them through Christ and the Church. Youth Chaplains are located in three regions: (1) Northeast Region – Rev. Jess Mathew George; (2) Southeast Region – Rev. Thomas K. Mathew (Philadelphia) and Rev. Jaisen A. Thomas (New Jersey); and (3) Midwest Region – Rev. Christopher Phil Daniel. Youth Chaplains conduct campus visits, Bible studies, and counseling sessions for the youths. They visited the parishes of their region on a regular basis. The regional Local Advisory Committees assist the Youth Chaplains in various activities.