Lectionary Theme Voluntary Evangelist’s Association Day Christian Presence in Differing Life Spaces (18th Sunday after Pentecost) |
01 Sunday |
First Lesson | Isa.49:1-6 |
Second Lesson | Acts.16:19-34 | |
Epistle | Gal. 1:11-17 | |
Gospel | St. Luke 12:41-48 | |
Lectionary Theme Difference and dignity of all creation Day of the Differently abled. (19th Sunday after Pentecost) |
08 Sunday |
First Lesson | Isa.35:l-10 |
Second Lesson | Acts. 14: 1-10 | |
Epistle | 1 Thes. 5:12-22 | |
Gospel | St. Luke. 14:12-14 | |
Lectionary Theme Youth Sunday- Youth with Christ (20th Sunday after Pentecost) |
15 Sunday |
First Lesson | Dan. 1:11-17 |
Second Lesson | 1 Pete. 3:13-18 | |
Epistle | 1Tim.4:11-16 | |
Gospel | St. Mart.7:21-27 | |
Lectionary Theme Christian Family Dedication Sunday Family an Expression of the Kingdom of God |
22 Sunday |
First Lesson | Josh.24:14-22 |
Second Lesson | Acts.10:1-8 | |
Epistle | Eph.5:21-33 | |
Gospel | St. Luke. 10:38-42 | |
Lectionary Theme Confession: Sacrament of Reconciliation with God and Human |
29 Sunday |
First Lesson | Gen.45:1-15 |
Second Lesson | 1 Cor 6:1-11 | |
Epistle | 2. Cor.5:16-21 | |
Gospel | St. Mat. 22:34-40 |